Conflict of Interest

High Risk Vendors

High Risk Distributors

High Risk Guests and Attendees

Python Module 1


Why do we need Python?

Program structure

Interactive Shell

Executable or script files

User Interface or IDE

Object creation and deletion

Object properties

Numbers, Strings, List, Tuple, Dictionary

Using Files

Other File tools

Ghost employees

Employee falsified time entry

Background Checks

Segregation of Duties

Python Module 2

Python Introduction

Other Core Types

Assignments, Expressions and prints

If tests and Syntax Rules

While and For Loops

Iterations and Comprehensions

Opening a file

Ghost Vendoors

Duplicate vendor transactions

Vendor Spend Analysis

Vendor Price Variations

Python Module 3

Modules and Packages

Module Creations and Usage

Module Search Path

Module Vs. Script

Package Creation and Importing

Python Module 4


Classes and instances

Classes method calls

Inheritance and Compositions

Static and Class Methods

Bound and Unbound Methods

Operator Overloading


Ghost Customers

Unfavorable contracts terms

Repeated orders followed by returns

Excessive customer comission payments

Python Module 5

Exception Handling

Default Exception Handler

Catching Exceptions

Raise an exception

User defined exception

Python Module 6

Advanced Concepts

Defining Panda

Pandas – Creating and Manipulating Data

How to Create Data Frames?

Importance of Grouping and Sorting

Plotting Data

Ghost Customers

Unfavorable contracts terms

Repeated orders followed by returns

Excessive customer comission payments

Python Module 7


Installation with Window, Basic, Variables

Control Structure, Functions and Arrays

PHP web forms and Validations. GET, POST, REQUEST Form Handing in PHP.

Include/ Require and their use.

File Handling in PHP

State Management Techniques: hidden fields, URL Rewriting, SESSION

Python Module 8



Sessions, Caching and Comments

Cookie handling

File uploading

Form processing

Generic views

Deploying Django framework

Sending Emails

Page redirection

Ghost Customers

Unfavorable contracts terms

Repeated orders followed by returns

Excessive customer comission payments

Python Module 9


Django overview

Creating a project

Apps life cycle

Admin interface

Creating view

URL Mapping

Template system



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